FTX Fund is a blockchain

FTX Fund is a blockchain-based fund aimed at global commercial activities. We are only jointly responsible for activities that are within the key ecosystems that have been announced with global partners. Our statements through executives and business directors are to bring out the most accurate information to all parties. Our information will be posted on the official media channels we announce below. * FTX FUND TEAM Advisory Team: FTX Fund has leading experts, hand-selected from vari- ous fields. Our experts also worked as advisory boards for multinational companies in the areas of: Venture capital funds, Mergers and Acquisi- tions, Technology Transfers, and Global Commerce. Operations Team: The members of the executive board have many years of experience in large-scale enterprises. We are in charge of Inter- national business, Derivative Transactions, Technology Finance, and In- ternational Communications Technical Team: We have a techni...